Answered By: Former Employees
Last Updated: Aug 28, 2023     Views: 143

  • Go to the library homepage:
  • Search the library Discover system for BOOKS:

  • Type in your search terms, or the title of a book in "  ":
    • example search terms: Gutenberg printing
    • example book title:  "the history of the book"
  • On the results page, click on the title of a book to learn more about it


  • After reading the description and deciding you would like to get the book, look for the Access Options to learn in which library to find the book, plus the book's call number, or location within the library:

This book is Available in the Shadek-Fackenthal Library, in the Z-section, specifically at Z4.C38 2014.  To learn where the Zs are located, visit the Locations & Maps page, find the section you need:

-- so for the Zs, we need to visit the Ground floor -- then click on the name of the floor to open a detailed map! 

Note: If the book you want is already checked out to someone, the option to request a copy from another library via EZ Borrow appears under Access Options.